UPSC Age Calculator for SC/ST
UPSC Age Calculator
UPSC Age Calculator for General Category
UPSC Age Calculator for SC/ST
SC/ST caste people are given a relaxation of 5 years in UPSC exam, according to which SC/ST caste candidates can give UPSC exam as many times as they want between 21 to 37 years.

Category | Minimum Age | Maximum Age | Number of Attempts |
SC/ST | 21 | 37 | Unlimited |
General | 21 | 32 | 6 |
OBC | 21 | 35 | 9 |
EWS | 21 | 32 | 6 |
What is the age limit for UPSC SC caste?
In UPSC, SC caste people are given a relaxation of 5 years in the maximum age limit, according to which the age limit in UPSC for SC people is 21 to 37 years.
What is the maximum age of SC?
For SC category people, the maximum age limit is 37 years and the minimum age limit is 21 years.
What is the maximum age limit for SC ST?
For SC ST caste, the minimum age limit is 21 years and the maximum age limit is 37 years.
What is age relaxation for SC?
In UPSC, age relaxation of 5 years is given for SC people, according to which the age limit of SC people should be between 21 to 37 years.
How many attempts are there in UPSC SC?
There is no limit in UPSC exam for SC caste people, they can take the exam as many times as they want between 21 to 37 years.